Indie Campers Reviews in Cairns

Read honest feedback from travelers who’ve explored Cairns with Indie Campers. Whether it’s your first road trip or you're looking for inspiration from top travel bloggers, all the insights and reviews you need are right here.

Excellent 4.7 out of 5 From 35,000+ travelers

Customer Reviews

Callum B.


24 days ago

2 People
9 days
Cairns → Cairns
Local team were great, easy pickup and drop off all nicely streamlined. Great trip. Van was great, a mirror somewhere would have been handy!
Nicolas V.


2 months ago

2 People
12 days
Cairns → Brisbane
We would much appreciate a brief advices, recommendations on a road trip trough the east coast in Australia as we were foreigners (Spanish) and it was our first time in the country : for example, some recommendations on good campgrounds, toilets, dump stations, how to found them … . Also there where some minor issues on the van that we discovered during the trip, but as it was quite good at all, we didn’t regret. The only thing , as I explained to the depot staff on the arrival, has been to air ventilation on the roof, it was not good isolated and the cold entry during the night … and it was cold. And also we spent 4h on our second day replacing the battery as it was not good and it went empty after the first night. And also we have had to spent 350$ aprox to fix it (that will be reimbursed).
Christine P.


3 months ago

4 People
5 days
Cairns → Brisbane
The pick up and drop off process was a breeze. The inside had a few spots with dust that needed a wipe down. The video that you can scan on the QR code on the windshield was very helpful in getting use to all the appliances. Had a great experience. The camper had pretty much everything we needed.

Indie Campers in the News

"Indie Campers have launched a long-term subscription service after seeing a 66% rise in requests from remote workers. The #vanlife lifestyle could be about to expand beyond the Instagram tribe."

"Perhaps a camper van, parked up on a lonely beach or mountain road, could be the perfect solution to the socially distanced summer holiday of 2020."

"Pick up your wheels from west London and hit the road in a sleek van from Indie Campers, with an itinerary and extras like wi-fi, a shower and bikes and barbecues in the boot. Effortless camping? Yes please."

"UK holidays have taken precedence this year. Now, Indie Campers is offering British campervan owners the chance to rent out their own vehicles."